The Smartest Man in the World
This article should be read only by married men.
Today, I met a man that will cause you all to turn green with envy. He is comfortably retired, which in itself is a good reason to be envious. However, this is only the beginning.
He is married to a woman that grew up in Puerto Rico, and so they bought a timeshare on the beach. Twice a year, they visit her family and spend a week on the beach. Again, you might be experience some pangs of jealousy, but this is premature.
The family loves to have guests and always throws a big feast in their honor. Tables are spread with a cornucopia of island delicacies for all to enjoy. Yes, you might have a bit a drool now. Hang on. We are almost there.
My friend speaks only in English, but since almost everyone in his wife’s family also speaks English, this is not a difficulty. There is, however, person that can not communicate in this language.
You might want to sit down for this part.
It turns out, that his mother-in-law can speak only in Spanish, which is a language that he does not understand. He can’t understand what she is saying, and she can’t understand what he is saying. He can’t talk to his mother-in-law!
Gentlemen, I rest my case.